Basic Policy on Sustainability

1.Basic Policy on Sustainability

ValueCommerce Group will move forward with business activities that contribute to the “realization of a sustainable society” through “business growth” with our numerous stakeholders.

To promote sustainability initiatives, we will manage risks appropriately and maximize business opportunities by carefully considering requests of society.

“Sustainability” in the ValueCommerce Group

It refers to the sustainability of the ValueCommerce Group’s growth. We believe that moving forward with our business in consideration of its connection with the environment and social issues will enable us to fulfill our social responsibility as well as create business growth opportunities.

“Materiality” in the ValueCommerce Group

It means material issues to be addressed by the ValueCommerce Group in order to achieve sustained business growth and corporate value improvement over medium- to long-term.

2.Sustainability Governance System

The Group (including all consolidated subsidiaries) shall promote and implement sustainability initiatives under an integrated risk management approach that takes ESG-related risks into full consideration.

At least once a year, the Board of Directors shall discuss how to address the issues, plans, and progress that must be made in order for the Group to sustainably grow its business.

The Audit & Supervisory Committee, which consists of independent outside directors, recognizes various issues related to sustainability in the Group as risks and shall request reports from business execution divisions as appropriate.

The Risk Management Committee, which implements integrated risk management, is led by the President and Chief Executive Officer and meets at least four times a year to identify and assess risks for the Company and all consolidated subsidiaries. Each departmental manager in charge is responsible for responding to significant risks. In addition, the Risk Management Committee reports four times a year to the Board of Directors on the status of the Company’s response to significant risks.

The ESG Promotion Project, which promotes ESG-related initiatives, is led by the Director and Chief Financial Officer and works with the Risk Management Committee, each division (corporate and business divisions), and each subsidiary to promote ESG-related measures.

3.Identifying Materiality

Materiality is identified through integrated risk management as described below.

Step 1: Identifying issues

Aiming to achieve corporate value improvement of the ValueCommerce Group over the medium to long terms, issues to be addressed in achieving sustained business growth are identified from the perspectives of corporate strategy and business strategy, by referring primarily to various guidelines in line with the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board) and GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) and through communications with customers, clients, employees, shareholders and other stakeholders.

Step 2: Prioritizing issues

Materiality for the ValueCommerce Group are prioritized from among the identified issues.

Step 3: Reviewing the issues

Issues are reviewed every year, by considering the changing demands of society and through dialogues with stakeholders (back to Step 1).

4.Five Themes in Our Activities, Materiality and Contribution to SDGs

Materiality are stated under “Business risks” in the securities report. For details, please see here (Business risks).

Issues to be addressed for the Group’s sustainable business growth, including Materiality, are summarized in “Five themes in our activities” as areas of focus.

By promoting corporate activities under each theme, we will contribute to achieving the SDGs.

Five themes in our activities Contributions to SDGs Materiality
  • Investment strategy
  • Business model
  • Natural disaster
  • Dependence on specific services
  • Management of personal information
  • System failure
  • Cyber security
  • Data governance
Bracing for business continuity crisis 11.SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES 13.CLIMATE ACTION
  • Business continuation/Response to risks
Strengthening corporate governance 16.PEACE,JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS
  • Other associated company LY Corporation
  • Group governance
Respecting diversity and developing human resources 05.GENDER EQUALITY 08.DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH
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