Human Resources Development / Work Environment / Human Rights

The information on this page is current as of October 1, 2024.

Human Resource Development

As a company we are working to foster a corporate culture that encourages challenge, enhance our development system, provide diverse career paths, and realize fair evaluation and treatment, with the aim of developing and securing human resources who can grasp the essential issues in a rapidly changing business environment and commit to results by working autonomously and without fear of change.
In our Mid-term Business Plan, we are promoting the creation of new businesses with the goal of achieving a manufacturing workforce ratio (*) of 40% by 2025. To this end, in addition to active mid-career recruitment, we shall nominate key future employees, share their career aspirations with management at Human Resource Development Committee meetings, and reflect these aspirations in appointments, assignments and training.

*The ratio of Planning/Engineering/Design personnel compared to the number of employees at the Company as a whole

Career Development

We introduce a “Self-Career Check” program in which all employees think about their own career plans. As for skill development support, we provide an environment where employees can learn voluntarily and systematically. In addition, in order to strategically develop core human resources who will support the company in the future, we nominate candidates, share and confirm their career aspirations with the management team, and hold regular core human resource development meetings to reflect the nominations, assignments, and development of the candidates.

Committee Chair: Representative Director
Committee Members: Full-time directors, executive officers and general managers

Program for potential talent

In collaboration with external training partners, we develop and implement training courses for those designated as having potential, with the aim of developing top performers. There are two types of courses: Basic Course and Advanced Course.
The Basic Course is a six-month program that covers self-awareness, problem solving, company figures, marketing, self-leadership, and more.
The Advanced Course is a six-month program in logical thinking, problem solving through hypothetical thinking, business strategy, marketing, accounting, critical thinking, and more.

Program for Engineer

As part of the training for engineers when new graduates join the company, we provide approximately 10 days of external technical training specialized in the required technologies (SQL, Linux, Unix). We also actively participate in study sessions for engineers with group companies and internal study sessions.

Programs for Managers

We have clearly identified the knowledge and skills required for managers based on a clear understanding of the behaviors expected of managers and have developed thematic skill acquisition programs for this purpose. Managerial candidates learn the knowledge and skills required to be a manager even before their appointment. At the time of appointment, practical training (understanding management policies and HR strategies, role expectations, attendance management, health management, harassment and reporting contact, evaluation system, work authority, etc.) will be provided. In addition, we have a program in place to continually brush up on management skills.

Compliance Training

Once a quarter, e-learning and confirmation tests are conducted for all employees on several topics selected from business-related laws and regulations, information security, personal information protection, prevention of human rights violations, prevention of corrupt practices, etc.


Feedback for managers

Feedback from members is given anonymously to the manager every six months.
This will lead to self-development as executives and management gain new insights into their own management behavior through feedback from others.

Internal Hiring

In order to quickly establish new departments and highly strategic divisions, we conduct a process of internal recruitment.

A Pleasant and Supportive Work Environment

Employee Survey

To quantitatively ascertain details about the Company, employee satisfaction and conditions while making continual improvements, we periodically conduct engagement surveys every year and continuously measure our engagement score to visualize whether individuals or organizations are in a position to maximize their performance or if there are any factors preventing them from demonstrating their abilities. This is useful for employee self-management and for organizational management on the part of managers.

We periodically conduct questionnaires to ascertain the mental and physical health of employees operating under remote work conditions. This enables us to detect employee issues early on and helps us facilitate employee self-care and line-care.

Work-life Balance

In order to better support working parents, a system of shorter working hours for childcare is available until their child graduates from elementary school at the age of 12. The legal minimum for these reduced working hours is for children up to 3 years old.
Regarding child care leave, the legal minimum is 5 days of nursing leave per year until the child enters elementary school and we have additional 5 days of our nursing leave per year are available until graduation from elementary school.

In FY2023, the paid leave utilization rate was 75.4%.
In order to further increase the utilization rate, we are working on announcements to encourage employees to take vacations by connecting them to national holidays and weekends to create longer consecutive holidays, and to encourage employees to systematically take vacations during off-peak periods.

In FY2023, 25.0% of men and 100.0% of women took childcare leave.
To encourage more male employees to take childcare leave, we are working to create an environment in which employees who are considering taking leave can easily access information about the system by talking with male employees who have taken childcare leave.

Paid leave incentive days

In order to encourage employees to take paid leave, paid leave incentive days are set aside on weekdays that fall between holidays.

Optional summer vacation

As an optional summer vacation, employees are entitled to three days of paid summer vacation between July and September in addition to their regular paid leave.

Establishment of an employee reporting and consultation service

Contact points for reporting compliance violations and harassment, including violations of laws and regulations, internal rules, human rights violations, and corrupt practices, have been established in the Legal Department and Human Resources Department. Employees wishing to report an issue may also directly approach full time members of the Audit & Supervisory Committee as well as the external law firms contracted by the parent company. At these contact points, the privacy of the person consulting or reporting is strictly protected, and the system is designed to ensure that anyone reporting or consulting will not be disadvantaged in any way due to their actions.

We have contracted with an external Employee Assistance Program (EAP) organization to provide consultation services for all kinds of problems, including mental and physical illness, workplace relationships, daily work, and future career prospects for employees.

Human Rights Initiatives

All executives and employees of the ValueCommerce Group will contribute to the development of a sustainable society by respecting human rights in all aspects of our corporate activities. We have established and adhere to this concept as stated in our Basic Policy on Human Rights (Human Rights Policy).

Human Rights Policypdf

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