Our History

March 1996 Establishes Transpacific Inc., predecessor to ValueCommerce
November 1999 Renames ValueCommerce Co., Ltd
Develops proprietary e-commerce marketing program and launches performance-based Internet Ad distribution service
April 2005 Yahoo Japan Corporation (currently LY Corporation) acquires stake in the company through a tender offer bid, making it an equity-method affiliate
July 2006 Lists on the Mothers Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
November 2007 Acquires 20.3% shares of Web-based services provider JP21, Inc., making it an equity method affiliate (Sold all shares the Company own to JP21 on September 2018)
March 2012 Introduces Executive Officer System
October 2012 Becomes a consolidated subsidiary of Yahoo Japan Corporation (currently LY Corporation), SoftBank Corporation, and SoftBank Group Corporation through acquisition of Company treasury shares
November 2012 Transfers from the Mothers Section to the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
January 2014 Jin Kagawa becomes President and CEO; kicks off new management regime comprised of executives who are expert in advertising distribution technologies
September 2014 Renews corporate logo and identity
December 2015 Acquires all shares in DIGIMIHO Co., Ltd, a CRM business company, making it a consolidated subsidiary (liquidation of DIGIMIHO completed in June 2021)
March 2016 Makes the transition to a Company with Audit and Supervisory Committee from a Company with the Audit & Supervisory Board
August 2016 Relocates head office to Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo.
January 2018 Mission changed to “Building Together”
September 2019 Acquires all shares in Dynatec inc., a leader in online reservation systems dedicated to official sites of hotels and inns, making it a consolidated subsidiary
January 2020 Acquires all shares in B-SLASH Corporation, a provider of essential e-commerce operation solutions for e-commerce companies, making it a consolidated subsidiary (conducts an absorption-type merger with B-SLASH in July 2020)
July 2020 Merger of B-SLASH Corporation
May 2021 Relocates head office to Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
April 2024 Mission changed to “Your Success is Our Value”
May 2024 Becomes an equity method affiliate of LY Corporation, SoftBank Corporation, and SoftBank Group Corporation through tender offer of treasury shares
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