Press Release

GMO and ValueCommerce establish “GMO Affiliate, Inc.”

ValueCommerce Co., Ltd.

Global Media Online Inc. together with ValueCommerce Co., Inc has announced the establishment of a new company focused on the affiliate marketing business, the company is to be called “GMO Affiliate Inc.”

1. Company Profile

(1) Company Name: GMO Affiliate, Inc.
(2)Establishment: April 21, 2005
(3) Address of the Headquarters: 26-1 Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
(4) President: Shojiro Inoue
(5)Capital: 10,000,000 yen
(6)Shareholders: Global Media Online Inc. (51.0%)
ValueCommerce Inc., Co.
(7)Business Domains: Affiliate Business (Affiliate Marketing Service)


2. Objective

Affiliate Marketing is a system where an advertiser (or Ecommerce merchant) pays a publisher on a performance basis, for advertising that appears on that publisher’s website or e-mail magazine. So when a user clicks through from these ads and makes a purchase or requests further information through the advertiser’s (merchant’s) website; the advertiser (or merchant) will pay the publisher a commission based on the overall result.

Affiliate Marketing enables Advertisers and Merchants to easily reach potential new customers interested in their products or services via other websites and is rapidly becoming a popular marketing method in Japan for building online sales channels and performance based advertising.

As the first affiliate service provider in Japan, ValueCommerce has a broad range of experience and extensive knowledge of the affiliate industry, the ValueCommerce affiliate network is currently one of the largest in Japan. GMO, in turn, owns and runs a number of premium media services including blog services such as “Yaplog!”, “JUGEM” and “Autopage”. Both ValueCommerce, the leading player in the affiliate industry, with a high profile EC client base in Japan, and GMO, the owner of various media, aim to combine their management resources to create a lucrative new business opportunity.

【GMO・Global Media Online Inc.】

Under the slogan “The Internet for everybody,” the GMO group has been contributing to the establishment and development of the Internet industry by concentrating its effort on creating the online space with their Internet infrastructure, rental server, domain registration and e-mail advertisement distribution services. Currently, GMO serves 440,000 corporate clients as well as 18,110,000 individual customers (Apirl, 2005).

The GMO Group will continue to make new initiatives to become a “Internet Circle” of Japan, with the mission to convey goodwill and excitement for everyone through the Internet space.

【ValueCommerce Co., Inc】
Founded in 1996, ValueCommerce first provided a rental server service. In 1999, ValueCommerce launched Japan’s first ASP Affiliate Marketing platform and service. Today, ValueCommerce provides E-commerce and online marketing services in 3 major business divisions: 1) Affiliate Marketing, 2) Directory/Search, and 3) Hosting/Infrastructure. For the affiliate marketing business, ValueCommerce is serving one of the largest affiliate marketing networks in Japan delivering over 330 million advertisements per day and reaches up to 50 % of the Japanese Internet population (Nielsen/NetRatings “Advertisement distribution (BTC)”).

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